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Anaplastology: Helping people feel whole again (ABC Radio interview)

At the beginning of May, there was a powerful interview between Sophie Fleming from Prosthetic Art Technology and Andy Park on the Radio National Drive program about the role facial prosthetics play in helping people feel whole again after treatment for Head and Neck Cancer and the challenges patients face due to the lack of Medicare funding for these life-changing appliances. 
Sophie explains that facial prosthetics are unique because they cross the cosmetic and functional divide giving people the ability to get back to life like returning to work or joining social situations without their facial difference being noticeable. 

“Unfortunately though, public funding is based on the functionality of a person’s body rather than remedial aspects of their appearance so there is no funding for facial prosthetics.” 

“There are so many people who are not able to walk out of their home without their nose or body part. They have such an incredible impact on a person’s life. If we have public funding for a breast, arm or leg prostheses, then that funding should extend to facial prosthetics.”  

As explained by former Head and Neck Cancer patient Tracey Sims, who had a facial prosthetic made by Sophie, “I had private insurance, but this did not cover my prostheses. I lost an eye but was told I had another eye. Some of the hurdles you come across and must get over are amazing when you have lost part of your face. 

“It's so important though to stay positive and find people like Sophie who can help you get back into the community and feeling confident again.”

To listen to Sophie's interview, visit: 

And to learn more about facial prosthetics on our website, visit: 

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