Western Sydney Local Health District - Westmead / Blacktown / Nepean
Multidisciplinary Team Meetings
Location: Online (since Covid19)
Fortnightly on Friday 8am -10am with Head and Neck Clinic following
MDT Co-ordinator: Ms Monika Malkiewicz, Karen Beresford (acting supervisor of the MDT co-ordinator)
Ph: 02 8890 3216
Fax: 02 8890 4826
E: wslhd-nbn-h&[email protected]
Dr Eva Wong, Head and Neck Surgeon
Method of referral:
[email protected] or attending consultants
Medical Specialties
Head and Neck surgery, ENT surgery, Radiation Oncologist, Pathologist, Nuclear Medicine physician, Radiologist, Medical Oncologist, Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, Palliative Care
Allied health
Dietitian, Speech Pathologist
This ONLINE Head and Neck MDT is a combined:
Westmead (Crown Princess Mary Cancer Centre)
Blacktown (Blacktown Cancer and Haematology Centre)
Nepean (Nepean Cancer and wellness Centre).